Ru... cha.

I don't care...

I don't care what people would say.
For these precious time you gave to me, I appreciate that.
You are... You are one of those precious things I ever had.
I don't care if people would say that I'm yuri or whatsoever. Besides, I feel comfortable everytime you here with me. You understand me. You know me.

But now, we're separated by school.

I don't care.
I don't care with the 1st place or whatever it is. The only thing I'm considering now is...
I wanna be with you. At the lunch time at school, I wanna eat my lunch with you again, like we used to did. I will miss everything.

And your shoulder.
The most comfortable place for me to cry...
I would miss it so much. Like I miss you.

Why, Ru?

I can't stop crying. I need your shoulder. I need you.
Since the first time you called me 'uke', I kept doubting about this.
Do I like you? Do I love you?

Yes, I love you.

I don't know.

Do I love you as an 'uke who loves her seme'?
Is this just like that?

I don't know.
Please remember me as your only 'uke'. ^^

I love you. 

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